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Why Should Every Hospital Need Hospital Management System Software?

In recent times, we have witnessed tremendous advancements in healthcare technologies. In an attempt to offer patients better care and mitigate the operation complexities, hospital administrations are making a shift from manual processes and investing in healthcare management software.

Healthcare app developers are constantly coming up with new ideas and innovations to make this software better for medical institutions. In the blog, we will discuss the reasons why every healthcare centre needs effective hospital management software.

What is Hospital Management Software?

Hospital management software is a web-based system that functions to manage different aspects of a medical institution. It aims to make different processes of the medical center paperless. It incorporates all important data with regards to doctors, patients, staff, administrative details, etc.

Why the Need for Hospital Management Software?

There is an increased demand for healthcare app developers and for all the right reasons. Following are some of the prominent reasons why hospital management software has become the need of the hour-

1. Automated and Seamless Management

Instead of merely storing and displaying data, effective HMS will also share valuable insights in order to optimize the utilization of employees, clinical decisions, occupancy rates, etc. Moreover, it is also capable of solving errors on its own and remind different users of the software of their important tasks.


The primary objective of hospital management software is to set-up an advanced hospital portal that is capable of managing patients’ entire journey in the hospitals.

From making an appointment to the billing and discharge, all the relevant information will be organized in a single screen. Moreover, it also maintains employees’ records without cheating any lengthy and messy paper trail.



React vs Angular: The Complete Comparison

The debate between React and Angular has been going on for quite a while now. Let’s try to resolve the debate to some extent by running a comparison between these two.

Why IT Matters for a Successful Enterprise Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the procedure and strategy of utilizing digital technologically to change how businesses function and serve their customers. The phrase has become omnipresent in the digitization era. This is because every firm, regardless of its industry or size, increasingly depends on technology and data to operate more efficiently as well as deliver value to the customers.


The process of digital transformation uses digital technology and tools to renovate or improve existing processes, which involves replacing or strengthening slow, archaic, tedious, manual processes with efficient, easier, and generally automated processes. As a result, the way each department operates changes dramatically.


Digital Transformation in Today’s World


The most fundamental question that arises before opting for digital transformation is why is there a need to replace the long-standing procedures and workflows that get the job done. This is because digital transformation not only involves several costs but also a notable commitment to make it all work.


However, digital transformation is worth all the money, efforts, commitment, and human capital because it will eventually become a necessity for survival. Additionally, the following are four reasons to show why digital transformation matters.


  1. Increased Efficiency


Digital transformation is meant to make workflows and processes faster, more efficient, and easier. So, instead of spending multiple hours processing the paperwork, an employee can form digital workflows to automatically and seamlessly move documents to their correct locations. Additionally, the employee would no longer have to perform mundane and repetitive tasks.


This provides the employee with extra time to focus on more revenue-centered activities. Thus, it enables you to make more efficient processes and systems, which in turn lets key projects and tasks to move forward more quickly. Read more....

Charging the Utilities Industry with New Technology

The utilities sector represents a category of those companies that offer basic amenities. Such as electricity, water, dams, sewage services, and natural gas. Although they make profits, utilities are elements of the public service landscape as well as are therefore heavily regulated.


Just as all business models change, utilities industry is no exception. Utilities companies are conducting business processes and operations differently currently than they did twenty years ago. The industry is welcoming the introduction of the latest technologies and innovative products. Increasing customer expectations are leading the industry to be more customer-centric.


Customers now have many alternatives and may switch providers in case they are dissatisfied with the company’s services. Therefore, utilities firms are adopting varying strategies to compete and build customer’s confidence. The latest technologies aim to improve procedures and enhance customer service by offering a more personalized experience, self-service solutions, and lower costs.


But for now, let us focus on recent trends, including the rise of grid modernization, facilitating new workforce, implementing digital tranformation, and intelligent automation.

Grid Modernization and Microgrids


The utility industry is transitioning towards more scattered energy sources. This is why the companies face a crucial choice, consider this opportunity to adapt and improve or take it as uncertainty and collapse.


Favorably, the most prominent firms are considering to modernize power grids by implementing microgrids. With microgrid implementations and grid modernization, the advanced system can:

  • Offer revenue to utility during grid outages.
  • Save on transmission as well as fuel costs
  • Distribute power effectively
  • Give predictive analytics along with maintenance.

How to deliver a successful Android app for business?

When it comes to developing a business app, there’s hardly any operating system that offers as many opportunities for customization and features development as Android. Moreover, users prefer Android over other mobile operating systems. This is evident from the fact that it has been leading in terms of market share for the past couple of years, and held at least 76% shares as of July 2019.


So, there’s no denying the fact that an Android app presents a world of prospects for both the developers and the businesses. And, the demand of the times is to put those opportunities to good use to deliver an app that spells success for a venture. On that note, let’s take a look today at the steps to deliver a successful Android app for business.


Conceptualizing the app


An app idea needs to come from a purpose that has to be fulfilled or a goal that has to be reached. Refining that idea and giving it the base of a mobile application is the foremost and also the most important stage in developing an Android app. The primary analysis regarding the app has to consider things like the target demographics, behavior patterns of the target customers, and the preferences of the users. These are the facts on which all the steps of Android app development depends on.


Strategies with Hybrid cloud in 2020

Hybrid cloud scenario in 2019

According to 451 research, approximately 69% of companies will be using hybrid cloud architecture for IT resources by the end of 2019. The industry is looking at with an opportunistic approach for technology business, the scope of improvement, and various other aspects that can be influenced by specific hybrid cloud architecture.


What is cloud computing?


Cloud computing is the concept of rendering computational, storage, and infrastructural services for high-level computing and deployment needs in a real-time business environment. It generally takes micro-retail payment model for customer companies to pay as they use services on a cloud computing platform.


What is hybrid cloud computing?


Hybrid cloud computing is a specific concept where all the IT resources are run, deployed, and managed on a combination of on-premise and third-party cloud computing services. It is a newly rising concept which surfaces into the technology industry. It is mainly because of the requirement of computationally intensive operations due to AI, machine learning, and high capacity storage backed up by reliable computing services.


Easily-to-implement strategies with hybrid clouds


Company data management


Company data includes all the real-time information and digitally created data along with the internal business processes of a company. It also provides day-to-day working, communication, and intellectual resources that dynamically come into the picture at various points in time during a business calendar. You can strategically build a hybrid cloud protocol for internal technology resource management.


company data management


You may systematically dump all the accounting documents, past project resources, and company business records on a third-party cloud computing storage platform. While you keep your existing day-to-day resources at the hand-stretch of your own, provide cloud computing system. It is like creating a cache structure with a combination of on-premise cloud computing infrastructure and putting the rest of the resources on permanent storage, i.e., the third-party cloud computing storage platform. You can handpick all the data which you need to retrieve, edit, and update very frequently to be stored on the on-premise cloud. The rest goes on to third-party cloud computing system. Read More...

Native Mobile App Development- An Ultimate Guide

Sometimes, it is not the expert predictions but the innovative leaders in the industry that may rule the market. And, such is the case with the Native Mobile App Development landscape. Contrary to Gartner’s predictions that the app development market will fall to its 0.01% by 2013, the market is booming, and there is no shortage of new projects.


However, this abundance of projects for mobile app developers is proving to be highly futile because most of the applications are not making enough money. The reason behind this failure is probably because the developers are creating applications that are meant to promote an organization, not the app itself. It is not the strategy of bringing forth the business through developing a mobile app, but the lack of thought in the concept that is flawed.


The concept creators, nowadays, appear to be least interested in studying the market and the preferences of the target audience. They use the strategies that they believe is the best and launch the application. Now that the application does not even appeal to the expectations of the users, then why should they any how download them!


The Problem Starts at the Top

Often, the failure of native mobile applications is accredited to the decisions made at the top-level of management- the CEOs, CTOs, and Co-Founders. And rightly so, because they seldom take their application seriously and do not select the right development platform after critical analysis. Now, the similar apps which are running on counterpart platforms do not really allow the new app to enter the competition.


Also, critical research is required when adding in the features so that they make the user experience better. However, top-level management doesn’t focus on it, and eventually the app fails terribly.


Well, it is not only the CEOs who are at fault; the process is further worsened by the ignorance of mobile app owners and marketers. They fail to publicize the app to the right public at the correct scale. Now that the consumers are not engaged certainly in the process of app creation, the app is sure to feel alienated on the app stores. Ultimately, another mediocre project with little prospects is born.


What’s more painful here is, that all of this failure could have been terminally avoided with some critical thinking before conceiving the mobile app idea. The recipe behind a mobile app’s success is that you kill all the doubts regarding its development before taking a plunge into the actual process.


app idea into reality



Read More @  Native Mobile App Development


SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS

From small businesses to leading enterprises, the cloud has been a popular topic amongst leading software development companies. The efficiency and versatility it renders have resulted in its global adaptation. But before you rush to include cloud in your business, it is essential to understand different types of cloud services and their functions and benefits. Otherwise, you would end up with cloud services that aren’t doing anything to help you with your business objectives. Furthermore, not knowing the right kind of service for your business, you are most likely to waste money as well as time. In this article, we will be highlighting different cloud services and how they differ from one another.


Typically, there are three cloud service models that software development companies integrate –


  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Each of these services come with unique benefits and it’s essential to comprehend the difference between SaaS vs. PaaS vs. IaaS.


Software as a Service (SaaS)


Software as a Service is also denoted as Cloud Application Services. It is the most commonly used cloud service by software development companies in the current market. SaaS harnesses the internet in order to provide numerous applications, that are generally administrated by a third-party vendor. Generally, SaaS applications operate through the companies web browser, thereby eliminating the requirement of any downloads and installations from the client’s side. The use of SaaS will reduce the ownership cost by eliminating the need to hire, and maintain an IT team to install, administrate and update software’s. It will also reduce the costs involved in licensing the software.


Features of SaaS:


Following are the key features associated with SaaS services –


  1. Multitenant Architecture


 Multitenant Architecture


SaaS features a multitenant architecture model wherein all users as well as application share, one common infrastructure and codebase. Since all vendor clients are working on a single infrastructure and code base, they can bring in innovations more efficiently and save development time, that was previously invested in maintaining multiple versions of the old code.

  1. Easy Access

Easy Access

SaaS offers improved data access from the various networked device while making it highly efficient to monitor data usage, manage privileges, and make sure all the vendors view the same information.



  1. Consumer Web

consumer web


Amazon.com, My Yahoo, Microsoft, Google G Suite, etc. are the typical examples of SaaS. With this cloud service, companies can avail the ease of point-and-click customization; thus reducing the time it typically tasked to update conventional business software.


Efficient Customization


efficient customization

SaaS renders the ability to easily customize various applications and to align with their evolving business process, without making any modification to the standard infrastructure. The standard architecture of SaaS makes customization easy for each company without incurring high risk or cost.


Benefits of Using SaaS


SaaS extends employees as well as companies with a wider range of benefits including –


Scalable Usage



SaaS extends software development companies with high scalability. This allows users with the option to access services as per their demands.



  1. Payment flexibility

Payment flexibility

Instead of buying software to install and additional hardware in order to support it, SaaS allows customers to subscribe to its bountiful offering simply. Typically, the customers pay for the services monthly based on consumption. Such flexibility in the cost allows businesses to plan their budget more efficiently. Moreover, users can simply terminate their subscriptions, any time they wish to eliminate the recurring costs.


  1. High Accessibility

High Accessibility

As SaaS applications are normally provided to users over the internet, they can be made easily to access a wide range of internet-enabled devices and locations.



  1. Automatic Update

Automatic Update


Instead of buying new software, SaaS automatically perform updates, as well as patch management. This significantly reduces the workload of a company’s IT staff.



Usability of SaaS:


SaaS becomes an ideal cloud service in various business scenarios. It is beneficial for new organizations that require to develop an e-commerce platform, quickly, but lacks the software or expertise to solve server issues. It is also apt for projects that are focused on simple and cost-effective collaboration. Software development companies often use SaaS when applications are not needed on a regular basis. Read More...

How is Virtual Reality(VR) going to change the modern world in 2020?

Virtual Reality(VR) in 2020


Virtual reality is undoubtedly seeping into the lives of smartphone users, digital buyers, and completely improvising the digital space holistically. With the continually expanding trends, VR market is expected to raise and evaluate around $160 billion by 2023. There are potential signs of numerous other businesses promptly adapting the technology for more significant applications of VR. The companies are presently taking time to build mature, long-lasting, and highly impactful digital solutions that involve usage of multimedia related technologies like virtual reality.

Taking out the company from the smokescreen created by new technologies is something important at this point of time. Which every Founders and CTOs can do at the moment. Building the right solutions that may increase profitability should also help your business look more realistic. It gives a picture of a better prepared landscape at the moment. Creating the proper roadmap and crafting digital solutions that are a perfect blend of human experience and virtual reality, should be on target. It helps in immense value creation as VR is expected to change the technology business world; while we march past 2020.


Difference between virtual reality and augmented reality


The core difference between VR and AR is the inclusion of real tech landscape in 2019. Virtual reality is all about creating completely digital, near-to-real experiences using graphics, image processing, and various other sensory networks. Whereas, augmented reality is about building an interface between real-life objects that interact with virtual reality components, to make new concepts that drive business agendas and improve customer experience. The Apple measuring app ‘Measure’ lets you measure objects in various dimensions and face recognized emoticons are some of the examples of AR. Whereas, intensified graphics and lifelike 3-D experience in gaming are complete applications of virtual reality.

Best examples of how VR is going to change the modern world in 2020


Touch screen projections:


touch screen


Virtual reality is expected to team up with IOT-based solutions that are capable of bringing a humanistic edge to digitally enhanced interiors. We can expect digital projections of mobile app controls, smart home, and all other types of controlling and maneuvering in our day to day lives. Imagine, years from now, you will be capable of using your hand as a touchpad, with the complete mobile dashboard flexibility for adjusting all the features and controlling mobile apps.

Apart from this, we can expect touch screen projections of home center controlling various smart home appliances. They will all be operated with projections on walls, sofa surfaces, and tables with the added convenience to users. Read More...

UI/UX Design Errors You Should Avoid For Conversion Rate Growth


Importance of UI in 2019


Here is all you need to know to get hold of a critical proposition of immaculate user experience in all the digital solutions. Digital solutions are making businesses compete at a throat-cutting level. It is one of the main reasons why it is becoming an altogether distinct dimension of competition. When there is a competition of a great UX, the product development team is bound to focus on UI. UI needs to be taken very seriously because often, people fail to justify the kind of importance and targeted effort it requires.

According to Forbes, a strategic effort to improve the UI/UX has the potential to increase the conversion rates up to 400%.  It is said that the margin of error for UI design is very less. There is a considerable number of people who are not giving the due desired attention to UI designs (only 55% of companies perform any user testing).


UI design errors that can affect the conversion rate badly

Website loading time


Website loading time is one of the critical factors that decide whether if you will be able to engage the customers or not. If it is taking too long to load, it has developed SEO penalties on your website and lowers rankings. Robust loading website is an added advantage and thus helps you increase your most probable customers with a clean UI, imparting an excellent user experience consistently. According to research, people are more expected to lose their customers, up to 40% if the website doesn’t load within the first three seconds.


website loading time


  1. Sight loading time is critical, and it can be easily achieved by:
  • Reducing data-intensive API calls upfront
  • Building lightweight graphics
  • Optimizing requirement of bandwidth
  • Securing the website against those attacks and unnecessary request
  • Optimizing the performance of server link up with CDNs
  • Taking a mobile-first approach


Responsiveness has a significant effect on the overall user experience. Users are increasingly taking up solutions that are interoperable and allow handoff capabilities. By handoff capability, we mean that digital solutions which let the users carry on the same task while interchanging devices like PCs, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. It is essential to ensure that your digital solution is offering a pleasant user experience. It should be up to the mark with the top user expectations, which can be created by using the distributor to approach any device.


website responsiveness


If the product fails to create a similar or better user experience compared to one device from the other, the user creates a better perception of the solution. It can be misleading that this is precisely how customer psychology works at large. You should try ensuring a great user experience with a completely responsive UI design, not just at all types of devices, but with all resolutions corresponding to each devices. You can provide the web design responsiveness by:


  • Manually testing your digital solution on various devices
  • Consciously making efforts to ensure that the UI works the best in different resolutions during UI testing keeping a point of UI design testing in the test suite.

Read More @ https://www.w2ssolutions.com/blog/ui-ux-design-errors/


Ways to Fire up Usability of Apps for an Unmatched Experience


With myriad mobile apps doing the rounds in the cyber space today, and with countless mobile application development companies pitching for their market share among tight competition, there’s one thing that prevails unchanged: the need for clearly understanding user requirements and how they experience your mobile app, while offering them the most useful as well as a satisfying app. Being able to increase your mobile app’s usability and achieving providing the best mobile user experience demands a lot, but it is not insurmountable. By tweaking your app design and making a few changes here and there in app development, mobile application development companies may make a great impact on usability and simultaneously accomplish ensuring great user experience.


Significance of Increasing the Usability of Your Mobile App While Ensuring Great Mobile User Experience

There are no qualms about the importance of mobile apps in the current business environment. They are certainly one of the most significant tools that help boost customer retention, loyalty, and user engagement. The contemporary dynamic mobile app market with huge user base and a lot of competition offers choices to customers in unprecedented manner; shifting to another app or business has been rendered easy.


User Experience

It is evident that brands or businesses that fail to provide users with seamless experience and assure maximum usability are susceptible to losing a huge chunk of customers. There are a few strategies that help entrepreneurs and mobile app development companies to improve usability of their apps and provide a first-rate mobile user experience. These steps, similar to any other financial and operational tactics in business, prove indispensable in the competition-filled modern business world today.


Strategies to Optimize Mobile App Performance While Enhancing User Experience


1. App design must be simple


app design

Users visit any app for accomplishing something that is useful to them. There must be no difficulty or any obstacle that hinders users’ goals being achieved. Users must not be frustrated and they need to be helped with reaching their destination fast and easily.

2.  Micro interactions must be spiced up


micro interactions

Micro interactions are involved for single use case like setting an alarm, changing settings, and so on. These have the potential of making the app more personal and feel human. Creative micro interaction design encourages users to have a personal feel toward the brand.

3. Value must be provided right away


provide value - app

It is essential that app users are able to discover the app’s value early on, if possible, during the process of onboarding itself. Making users to stay on the app and facilitating them to return to it through your immediate offer of value is imperative; it has to be borne in mind by the Mobile Application Development Company.


Read More @ https://www.w2ssolutions.com/blog/mobile-user-experience/